Monday, July 18, 2011

Running Away

From the time we knew how to walk, being able to run was definitely a freedom and appealing activity to a child.That is even more evident in their teenage years. Teens run away from their problems, physically and emotionally. if something goes wrong with their schoolwork where they are failing, in stead of asking for help, they instead choose the option to stop coming to class or just stop coming to school in general. It is important for one to know that asking for is a quintessential part of doing well in life. We are not born with the ability to know how to do everything, if that was the case there would be no school in the first place. So instead of getting into our feelings, teens should put their insecurities or pride aside and do what they can to be on top of their game and parents should be more welcoming. If parents are more welcoming then teens will confide in them and get necessary help.

Drinking and Driving

Why teens drink and drive is beyond me. They see on TV and everywhere else how bad it is and the outcomes. There really are no positive outcomes unless you like seeing a person body under a car that weighs twice 3 times their size. the agony a victim goes through is unbearable and having to go to jail for a preventable accident is just as unbearable. But I guess teens that do drink and drive, either 'slove the thrill, are just plain careless, or somewhere in that little head of theirs thinks that they could never get into an accident because their an "excellent" driver. I highly doubt that because obviously traffic laws are made because they cannot drive even on a sunny day with the roads clear. So everyone should just watch out because the only thing on their mind is the the thrill and freedom to be young and reckless.


Last night watching the ABC Family movie, Cyberbully, made me realize how cruel teens can be nowadays. Why people bully other people is because of their own insecurities and issues. Even calling someone a name like bitch, stupid or ugly really hurts but it doesn't hurt when one is saying it to other people. No matter how teens try to act tough, the negative things happening around them affect how they behave.Some factors could be a divorceby their parents, a death in the family or a personal adversity like being raped at a young age. These things all register into their minds at a young age and sometimes creates anger, jealousy and guile that a teen uses to bully someone in order release all the pent up animosity. It is quite sad actually for both the victim and victimizer.
girl receiving cyberspace bully message
There are meaner things than this that are said on th einternet, trust me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why So Depressed?

As a generation depression is so prominent, we know it as a major issue in our lives yet nothing seems to be done about it that is effective. As soon as we stepped into middle school life became a battle it became what we fought for and what we fought against all at the same time. And it is still a fight. We hate our parents and any other authority figure that tries to get in our way.Yet we have no direction, that is the irony in it. We want to  be so independent but with no goals set to show that we deserve it. And when we get into trouble asking for help is not a solution so wecontinue to get into more emotional depressions. But that's not to say that there aren't other factors but it is one of them. School stress, family stress and the stress of friends is just STRESS. So much stress is bringing us down that our only ways to relieve ourselves may be in negative ways. Smoking, drinking, and excessive partying are all included but they change our behaviors that can harm ourselves and others. We may fight in school, get into a car accident or even commit suicide but they don't erase the problemsor even suppress.

Now she is a prime example.

...When I Get High

According to NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse),  marijuana is potentially harmless. And that is exactly why so many teens use and abuse it. That euphoric feeling of being chill and on cloud nine is a less deleterious stimulant for the more stressed out teen. No matter what adults say, being a teenager without conflicts, troubles and depressing moments is impossible so sometimes that little plant below throws all of that away for a few minutes. But like most stimulants, the amazing feeling goes away after a while and the difficulties are still present. From then on, marijuana is now a crutch and a need for a teenager to get through each and everyday. From the time they wake up a blunt must be the first  thing to enter their mouth and at night the party continues. This then becomes potentially harmless to a teen's behavior, he or she is now irritable without the drug, cannot focus or function or they become so reckless they forget to think about more important things in life. Some examples would be caring about their education, remembering to take a shower, and fighting or even killing someone over a bag of weed. Marijuana all in itself is dangerous regardless if one's health is not being directly affected.

The only effective therapist for a teen nowadays.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reasons of Teen Pregnacy

           In the Teen Help website, the reasons for teen pregnancy just does not seem to completely be represented. they say Abstinence-only Education is not effective but the fact of the matter is it is absolutely the only 100% preventable way to eliminate one's chance of getting pregnant. Teaching kids that sex at a young age is okay if they use a contraceptive, or a condom is just as ineffective. If one of them does take that chance, but the condom breaks or a they miss a pill and get pregnant, should we applaud them because they listened to our advice in using contraceptives and that it's not their fault? That's complete bologna. It is teaching these kids to try to eat their cake and have it too, but trust me taking care of a baby for the rest of your life at 13 is not a piece of cake. It is setting them up for hardship at a young age no matter how much of a blessing a baby may be. So we should not give an effective solution such as abstinence to be the culprit. Instead parents should teach their kids to value their bodies, keep it holy and enjoy their teenage years in a safe way before the hard part comes.

Change must now be adamant.