Monday, July 18, 2011

Running Away

From the time we knew how to walk, being able to run was definitely a freedom and appealing activity to a child.That is even more evident in their teenage years. Teens run away from their problems, physically and emotionally. if something goes wrong with their schoolwork where they are failing, in stead of asking for help, they instead choose the option to stop coming to class or just stop coming to school in general. It is important for one to know that asking for is a quintessential part of doing well in life. We are not born with the ability to know how to do everything, if that was the case there would be no school in the first place. So instead of getting into our feelings, teens should put their insecurities or pride aside and do what they can to be on top of their game and parents should be more welcoming. If parents are more welcoming then teens will confide in them and get necessary help.

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